Tackle Twill Request

Tackle Twill is one of our more popular choices for Back Text placements.

Unfortunately, we do not yet have the ability to support Tackle Twill pricing in our online configurator. However, we can still help you get your order placed with Tackle Twill. It just requires us to edit your order information once you have your design ready.

To request Tackle Twill, please do the following:

  1. Design your jacket exactly as you would like it to look, with the back text uploaded or placed using the text placement tool
  2. Do not select an Embellishment Type for the back of the jacket
  3. Enter all of the order details - Names, Numbers, Quantity, etc. Do not pay attention to the price calculation.
  4. SAVE the item to your Locker Room
  5. Copy the SHARE URL from your Locker Room
  6. Paste the URL into this form.

Once we receive your request, we will create the edited order information and send you back the corrected details and pricing. You can then use that link to check out.